Saturday, January 7, 2012

Why I Dislike Closet Maid

Has anyone ripped out there closet wire racks? It is a frustrating job. Closet Maid, which is the cheap wire rack system that most builders use, is my least favorite closet system for several reasons. But the reason I most dis-like the product and the catalyst for this afternoon's blog is the massive holes in the wall that it leaves behind!!

One wire shelf ~4 feet long required 10 nails/anchors and brackets. Additionally, the builder also used ~5 screws to secure the wire rack to the wall... just to irritate the stuffing out of me!!! These holes require patching. Now, if that was as easy as just spackle over the holes and call it a day - that would be great. But because anchors tear up the dry wall, I'm gonna need to do a little cutting away of dry wall and light sanding. I was hoping I would not need to do this, but I was prepared for the issue and I have all the tools to resolve the problem.

First you cut away any lose dry wall or bulging dry wall. Then, I like to sand down the bumps or try to push them back in the wall. This starts the surface with as smooth an area as possible. Then apply a light amount of spackle in an X motion over the hole until it is filled. I have one hole that is large and I might need to use wire mesh. I'll save that one for last.

Now, some of you might say 'it's a closet, just spackle and paint over it.' You would right... it's just a closet. But I equate this to the same quirky bit of my personality that requires me to clean before the cleaning lady comes. I just feel, the somewhat obsessive, compulsion to spackle, sand, and prepare the space for it's new paint. :) It's all part of my charm and this is why you all love me.

As you can see from the photo below, I have spackled with a pink to white spackle that is very user friendly. Pink = wet, White = dry. When it turns white, you can start sanding. That large pink spot was the large hole. I did not use mesh, against my better judgement. I spackled that hole like I was icing a cake. Spackling is a lot like icing a cake and it reminds me of my Grandma in the kitchen on birthday's... icing the homemade birthday cake with real homemade icing. WOW! I want cake now. In addition to the obsessive compulsive tendencies, I might have a touch of ADHD too. But... this blog is not about my psychological disorders... yet. Returning back to the big hole in the wall - it is a heavy coat of spackle which means it will take longer to sand. That is no problem for me because I have been just dying to use my Dremel sanding tool!! Cool!!

Let's rip down a few more wire racks while spackle dries!

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